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5 search results

  • About CC: What is Creative Commons and What Do You Do?
    Answer: Creative Commons is a global nonprofit organization that enables sharing and reuse of creativity and knowledge through the provision of free legal tools. Our legal ...
  • About CC: Is Creative Commons Against Copyright?
    Answer: Absolutely not. CC has responded to claims to the contrary. CC licenses are copyright licenses, and depend on the existence of copyright to work. CC licenses ...
  • General Licensing: What Are Creative Commons Licenses?
    Answer: Creative Commons licenses provide an easy way to manage the copyright terms that attach automatically to all creative material under copyright. Our licenses allow that material to ...
  • General Licensing: How Do CC Licenses Operate?
    Answer: CC licenses are operative only when applied to material in which a copyright exists, and even then only when a particular use would otherwise not be permitted ...
  • Choosing a License: What Things Should I Think About Before I Apply a Creative Commons License?
    Answer: Applying a Creative Commons license to your material is a serious decision. When you apply a CC license, you give permission to anyone to use ...

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